Three Points of Godly Contact

There is a sign that hangs at the bottom of the factory stairs which reads, “Maintain 3 points of contact.” The more points of contact you have the safer your ascent will be. Ezra 1 starts out with Three Points of Godly Contact.
Point One: God in History
The Bible remains unique because of it’s connection to History. Cyrus, the king of Persia, was a real ruler and founder of the first Persian empire.
Point Two: God of Prophecy
The Bible is filled with words, words that claim to be from God’s heart. Some of these Words of God give insight to what will happen in the future. In Ezra 1v1, what was starting to happen was a fulfillment of the words of the Prophet Jeremiah.
Point Three: God will Provide
Ezra writes that the time had come for God’s people, who were living in slavery, to return back to their country. But, to do that they needed money, and lots of it. The money that was stolen from the Temple in Israel had been preserved and now, was returned to them (most of it).
God is with us. He isn’t living on a cloud way up in the sky. He is with us, during every moment of our lives. For those who follow Jesus, He lives in us and through us.
God has our future. He holds the future and determines the final outcome of our lives.
God always provides. He is always providing us with health, wealth and joy.
On the stairway to heaven, there is a sign at the bottom that says, “Maintain 3 Points of Godly Contact.”
📆 38 – 💎7
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