3 Psalms for Dealing with Depression

In our society, it’s hard not finding a person who isn’t dealing with depression. Our jobs, stress, and school all contribute to depression and anxiety in our lives. Overcoming depression isn’t easy and solutions can be difficult or hard to find.
Thankfully, the Bible gives us examples of how we should be dealing with depression through the Book of Psalms.
Take a look at these 3 psalms. Read them, meditate on them and believe them.
Psalm 5 – Dealing with Depression
There is nothing more depressing than having someone in your life that is out to get you. Maybe it’s the co-worker making your life miserable or an unforgiving spouse looking to make you pay for what you’ve done. There is a sure way to get peace from and that’s by calling out to God.
When you begin to verbalize your cry to Him, depression and anxiety will leave. When you start thinking of how God will deliver you from those who are looking to do you harm, your faith is strengthened and you realize that He loves you. He is greater than your problems.
Psalm 7 – Cast Out Anxiety
Depression can come from fear: fear of the unknown, fear of debt collectors, fear of looking like a fool at work. Fear is bad for your emotional and spiritual well-being, and in this psalm, King David was feeling the pressure.
In this psalm, God lets us know that He is the One who can deliver you from fear. Call out to Him and He’ll come to your rescue. God sees your heart and knows all about your pain and when you trust Him, He will be your protection against fear.
Psalm 95 – Sing a New Song
Simply put, singing changes emotions. Some songs sound very sad and when you sing them, you get sad. When you hear other songs, they make you want to celebrate (remember Kool & the Gang). When we sing, the song we sing will change how we deal with depression.
A big God created a big world and He is big enough to pull you out of depression as you sing about Him.
Psalm 95 encourages us to sing a song to our God. He’s pretty awesome and powerful. He is worthy of all our praises.
These 3 psalms for dealing with depression and anxiety are all about changing how you feel on the inside by acting differently on the outside. Trusting in God’s Word, meditating and believing will bring about a change in your life.
Why don’t you give it a try?
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