God Doesn’t Overlook Your Suffering

“They will be punished with eternal destruction, forever separated from the Lord and from his glorious power.” The Thessalonians were enduring intense suffering because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Paul had been on both sides of this suffering. He caused suffering and he experienced suffering.
These Christ-followers of the first century were not dealing with a rude boss or unskilled driver. They were experiencing suffering which was a result of their faith. Faith in a man who walked with incredible power—Jesus.
The hope of Christianity is that there is an eternal existence beyond this physical world. It is a place that Jesus said He was going to make ready for us and did.
Eternity starts when you make a decision to follow and obey Jesus Christ. The place that Jesus went to prepare was the ability for our physical bodies to contain the presence of God, His Holy Spirit.
The Thessalonians were experiencing the kind of suffering that Jesus suffered. This letter from Paul was reminding them that they have a hope and a future. And that those who brought the persecution they were experiencing also had a future—eternal destruction and separation from God.
The Thessalonians were living in physical pain, their enemies would live in that pain for eternity. The pain Paul was talking about wasn’t the piercing of their skin but the emptiness of living without Jesus… forever!
God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to unite us to Him forever. If you haven’t talked with God about your eternal future, now is the perfect time to find a quiet place and talk to Him.
The Bible says that anyone who calls upon the name of Jesus shall be saved. He is able to save you and He sent His Word, the Bible, to teach you how to follow Him and how to do things His way.
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Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
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