We Can Live Free!

We Can Live Free!

The reason why Jesus came and lived and died and rose again was so that we could live in freedom! Galatians 5v1 states it very clearly, “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” NASB

Free from what? Many church goers believe that Jesus came to set us free from our problems. Others, that we are free to live in prosperity and Christian hedonism.

Paul is stressing that Christ has set us free from something, and we should not become captive to it again.

Jesus has set us free from The Law! Yes, it’s those things that God gave to Moses that only led to more death. If The Law is good and is made to protect us, then why do we need to be free from it?

The Law is good, but the effects of the Law, which was death and spiritual separation from God, is what Jesus came to do away with.

Instead, Jesus would take the same Laws and write them on our hearts. The effect would be life and closeness to God.

Jesus came to bring us closer to the Father. To do that, He had to defeat the effects of the Law (death and separation) and by doing so, we can approach the Father without any obstacles.

Do you have a relationship with God that is free from obstacles?

You could if you wanted to. Lay all your burdens before God today, you can do it right now. Cast all your cares on Him because He cares. Tell Him about what you are going through and let Him know about the wrong things you are doing.

The Word of God promises that anyone who calls on the name of Jesus, will be saved. Draw near to God by reading the Bible and taking time throughout your day to talk to Him about anything.

Jesus defeated the Law’s effect on our lives and tells us that we can stay in that freedom. How? By following and obeying Jesus and the Words He left us in the Whole Bible. Yes, Jesus has been speaking in the Bible way before the Gospels were written.

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About The Author

Jesse Velez

Although Jesse Velez will forever carry the essence of a Native New Yorker, he currently calls the sun-soaked city of Miami, Florida, his home. Celebrating a marriage of 31+ years to Eusebia, he proudly embraces his role as the father of five grown children. Jesse has cultivated a profound grasp of the Bible over the span of 40+ years, dedicated to following and serving Jesus while engaging in extensive reading and in-depth study of the scriptures.