
A common question is whether God pays no attention to the person who is up to no good. Why do the evil prosper? How can God reward such wickedness? The truth is that The Lord has not turned a blind eye to these people. He does not loose track of a single leaf falling to the ground. Yet, why do the wrongdoers keep getting a free pass?
Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to a very convicting frame of mind: This life is an insignificant grain of sand in comparison to eternity. Make no mistake about it, we will live forever after this life. You ever hear the quote, “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey”? Well, the journey is coordinated by the choice of destination. Beloved, pray for these evil people. If you know them, preach to them and pray for them. Despite how wonderful of a journey they think they’re having, the truth is judgement is approaching (and it’s unavoidable).
Yes, they prosper, but didn’t Jesus say, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” Last, but not least, do not sulk over what these people have gained. All you’ll be left with is a lake of tears that they’ll use to ride on their “fancy” boats. Do not give the enemy the slightest bit of leeway. Remove that spirit of covetousness away from you in Jesus name.
Instead, focus your attention on the destination. Tell others about the richness in Christ that no possession in this world can compare itself to. Pray that the Holy Spirit reaches inside of them and tells that the silver and gold is His. He is the sovereign Lord, who watches the good and the evil. Take your eyes off of others and keep them on Jesus; the only One worth living and dying for.
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