The God of Social Justice

Don’t let anyone tell you different, the God of the Bible is a Social Justice God. In Isaiah 10, the prophet declares from God’s mouth that the God of All-the-Earth is displeased with the social injustice that is happening before His all seeing eye.
“Woe to those who enact unjust statutes
And to those who constantly record harmful decisions,
So as to deprive the needy of justice
And rob the poor among My people of their rights,
So that widows may be their spoil
And that they may plunder the orphans.”
Isaiah 10v1-2
God is concerned with His creation and especially concerned over those who can’t defend themselves. God is going to take action against people who twist laws and make rules that benefit those who already have so much.
It is every Christian’s responsibility to speak up when they see social injustice. By walking past those in most need you are reflecting back to the world that you don’t have a love that Jesus has.
Don’t be concerned about what you don’t have or what will happen if you step in. Jesus promises that anything and anyone you give up for His truth, He will give you back more in this life and in the life to come (Matthew 19:29).
What if you don’t? Well, don’t worry, God is not waiting on you and as He declares in this same chapter, He will use others to bring about justice. Sometimes it will be nations that don’t claim Him as their God, no problem, He will still use them.
The Bible communicates to us the story of a God that loves the people that He created. It also tells us that from out of all the people, He is looking for people that will follow and obey Him.
For God so loved the world, that He sent the One and Only, Jesus into this world. And whoever believes in Jesus, they shall be saved.
Do you believe in the Jesus in the Bible?
If not, then take some time to read the Gospel of John. Learn about Jesus and then, talk with Him. Find a quiet place where no one else is and speak to the invisible God that is present with you.
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Photo by Redrecords ©️ from Pexels
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