Your Little, With God’s Power

Your Little, With God’s Power

Tragedy seems to produce more tragedy. In 1 Kings 17, Elijah declares that there was going to be a drought. This was God’s response to the people’s wickedness. That same day, God told Elijah to go to a specific place and there he encountered a widow with a son.

Elijah asked the woman for some nourishment and she responded, “This is our last meal before we die.” Her future was hopeless. She only had a little bread to enjoy before the inevitable starvation happened.

Elijah told her to not be afraid. He made her a promise, the bowl of flour and the jar of oil won’t become empty until after the drought has ended.

She knew it was Elijah that made the heavens go dry.

She believed Elijah and did what he said to do.

From that moment until the end of the drought, which was three and a half years, they never ran out of flour or oil.

What is God asking from you? Does it feel like, if you give Him what He’s asking for, you would have nothing left?

God doesn’t need your cooperation to perform a miracle, but He allows us to participate, like this widow did with her little bit of flour and little bit of oil.

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About The Author

Jesse Velez

Although Jesse Velez will forever carry the essence of a Native New Yorker, he currently calls the sun-soaked city of Miami, Florida, his home. Celebrating a marriage of 31+ years to Eusebia, he proudly embraces his role as the father of five grown children. Jesse has cultivated a profound grasp of the Bible over the span of 40+ years, dedicated to following and serving Jesus while engaging in extensive reading and in-depth study of the scriptures.