Fear No Evil

There is hope! Though you struggle with your enemies, there is a clearing up ahead. Your addictions may hold you captive, yet the chains and bonds of sin will be broken. A feeling can overtake you; don’t fear, for a light is coming to show the way.
Simply surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, King of Israel. He will vanquish your enemies. He alone paid the penalty for your sin. Let’s face it, there is an enemy out there who desires for you to feel hopeless. He wants your addictions to consume you. He surrounds you in total darkness.
So, when you cling to Christ with all your mind, soul, and strength, the gates of hell cannot prevail. This doesn’t mean that serpent of old is just going to give up. Instead grasp the Savior tighter, for He alone gives you the life worth living. He grants all of His children protection.
So, the enemy could be lurking in the dark crevices awaiting any sign of weakness. This teaches us to submit to The Lord by leaving all your weaknesses in the altar. And without even realizing it, you will find yourself with a new strength.
After which you’ll notice that there will be no dark crevice for Satan to hide in, for your whole life will be consumed by His light. Don’t want to fear evil? Just tell God what you’re afraid of. Leave the rest to Him.
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