Don’t misquote Jesus.

God has made our minds to imagine things. The ability to think beyond what we see and to then form those thoughts into physical reality is a divine quality. John the Apostles didn’t use his imagination when God took him into the future to see what was going to happen.
It sounds very imaginative, but it was what he saw with his own eyes.
“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.” Revelation 19v11 NIV.
It’s important to realize that John didn’t make up this story from his own mind. He didn’t have some late-night hummus, which led to indigestion, which led to a restless sleep.
John was very much awake.
Many churches interpret John’s vision differently, it’s important to know that God did not trick him into seeing something that wasn’t true.
Revelation was written for suffering Christians. The words were written for them (and us) to know that Jesus is truthful and faithful. If He said it would happen in your life, then it will happen.
But before you start “naming” and “claiming, “declaring” and “binding”, you have to be clear that Jesus has spoken the truth to you, that His Word supports those words and be sure that what God has shown you is exactly what He wants you to do.
If Jesus has communicated through His Word something for you to believe in, then believe it and do not doubt. If you are unsure about it, then spend more time in His Word, the Bible and more time talking it out with Him.
If what you said, Jesus said, does not come to pass, it’s important for you to say you’re sorry.
It’s okay to be wrong as you learn and grow in your faith. Just don’t say Jesus said it and then it doesn’t happen. Take ownership of YOUR words and apologize and listen more carefully to the Word of God.
Jesus is FAITHFUL and TRUTHFUL, if He says it’s going to happen, then it’s going to happen.
Don’t misquote Jesus.
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Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels Horse
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