Remind Yourself of God’s Goodness

Have you ever felt like God was rejecting you? I know, it doesn’t sound like a typical Sunday Morning Sermon, but sometimes, it can feel this way. For the song writer Asaph, he wrote what he knew was true, God was rejecting his people, Israel.
In Psalm 74 the song writer pleads with God to turn away from the judgment that God had given to the people. Don’t forget, these people weren’t good church- goers, who looked to do good whenever they could. They were like you and me, disobedient and always looking for ways to enjoy sinful pleasures (well, okay, maybe just you 🤔).
God had put them into the hands of their enemies to show them that their desires to do the opposite of what He commanded would only lead to ruin. You could say, God accelerated the inevitable.
Asaph doesn’t just plead with God for mercy, He also reminds God of the things that He has done and how great God is!
God’s ego is not inflated by our verbal recollections, that isn’t the intent of Asaph. He isn’t reminding God; he is reminding the hearers of the song of how Great God was and is. Asaph’s understanding of God caused him to focus all of his attention on God, even when he’s singing to others.
I don’t know what you are experiencing or going through, but I do know this, God is in control. It doesn’t always feel like it, but He is, and He wants you to sing this song (Psalm 74) to Him. Recall the great things that God has done for you and the many challenges you’ve overcome.
You are not reminding God; you are reminding yourself and others!
📆 36 – 💎6
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