The Singer and the Audience

The Singer and the Audience

Psalms are songs. They follow a pattern like our modern day music does. In Michael Jackson’s P.Y.T., he says, “Pretty Young Things, Repeat After Me… I said Na Na Na” and then the ladies would respond back, “Na Na Na”.

This created an excited atmosphere and interaction between people singing along with the King of Pop. This was an exciting dance song played in clubs and discos that connected the dancers to each other.

Psalm 136 does the same thing (only a few thousand years before).

The Psalmist says a thanks to God and asks the listener to respond.

The Singer: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
The Audience: His love endures forever.

The Singer does this 26 times, and the Audience responds 26 times!

Praise is interactive. We not only interact with God as the object of our Praise, but also with our neighbor as a co-participant of praise.

Try it out with someone. Pick yourself to say the first part, then let your friend or family member say the response.

Singing Praise is a group effort and it increases the excitement to know that wherever Two or Three are gathered in the Name of Jesus, He promises to be there with ears wide open!

📆 29 – 💎12

About The Author

Jesse Velez

Although Jesse Velez will forever carry the essence of a Native New Yorker, he currently calls the sun-soaked city of Miami, Florida, his home. Celebrating a marriage of 31+ years to Eusebia, he proudly embraces his role as the father of five grown children. Jesse has cultivated a profound grasp of the Bible over the span of 40+ years, dedicated to following and serving Jesus while engaging in extensive reading and in-depth study of the scriptures.