Shine Before Men

There recently has been a lot of talk about the state of our nation. Whether or not this country will survive and rise above the present circumstance. Education and immigration reform, economic collapse and fiscal cliffs, gay marriage and constitutional interpretation. When asked if my loyalty (or patriotism) still stands with this country, I could not answer. Instead, I dwelt on how this affects me as a believer. I sought the scriptures, meditated on His word, and spoke to my brothers and sisters about what they thought. Beloved, I came to the following conclusion:
This nation is no longer under God. Instead it seeks to be above Him. Therefore, we must stand resolute and be humbled by His presence. We must bring Him wherever we go. Courthouses, schools, government buildings; take Him. Show them that a life in submission to The Lord is prosperous and hopeful.
Where there is division, bring the unity of Christ.
Where liberties are removed, display the liberating love of Jesus.
Where there is injustice, declare The Lord Our Righteousness is the true and sovereign judge over all.
You see beloved, though this nation be great or small; it fails in comparison to the Kingdom of Heaven. This citizenship is not to be taken for granted. Do that which it provides; exercise free speech by proclaiming the gospel. Assemble in your homes, community centers, and street corners; and sing praises to His name. Blog, post, email others who need to hear the loving call of the Savior; after all, you have the right to do so. Practice this faith in public. Do not hide under a basket. “Let your light shine before all men so that they may glorify your Father in Heaven.” – Matthew 5:16
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