Depression is Real

Depression is real and it’s been around for thousands of years. In Psalm 42, the psalmist is severely depressed. He wasn’t depressed because of family or job problems. He is depressed because He is longing for the presence of God in his life.
The psalmist knows what it means to experience God in his life, but now, he is going through a dry spell. He hasn’t been to God’s House in a while and although he cries in his bed at night, he feels like God is very distant.
This stress has caused him to talk it over (on paper or papyrus :D).
After talking it out, he realizes that God is reliable. You can put your trust in Him to see you through. Even though times are tough, He will see you through those tough times.
If you have ever felt this way (I have), you know that God is real, but what you are experiencing doesn’t seem to fit the image of God that you know.
In that moment you can get depressed and stay depressed or… you can do like the psalmist and talk it out before God. He may not answer you through a beam of light through a cloud, but He will answer you in His Word.
Don’t let depression take control of your life, turn to Jesus. Talk to Jesus. He said that He cares, He really does, and He is ready to hear you out.
Even if you’re angry at God, you can let Him know that also… don’t worry, He has thick skin and won’t lash out at you (just ask Job).
📆 31 – 💎2
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