The Second Person of the Godhead Jesus Christ

The Second Person of the Godhead Jesus Christ
Now that we are beginning to understand that the One God, whose name is unknown, exists as Three Persons, we can begin to get a grasp The Second Person of the Godhead, Jesus Christ. What makes knowing Jesus so critical? He is the only One who has come from God, literally!

First, Jesus is the Second Person of the One God. In calling Him the Second Person, we don’t mean order of authority, but in order of revelation. We see glimpses of Jesus in Genesis 1:26, when God speaks and says, Let Us make man in our own image. It is clear that the One God is referring to Himself when He says Us. That peek into God’s creation shows us that He was talking to the Son of God and the Holy Spirit. He could not be referring to the angels, read Hebrews 1:13-14.

Second, Jesus existed before He came to the earth. John the Baptist mentions this when he is proclaiming to those he was baptizing, the man coming after to me is superior to me because He was before me (my paraphrase)(John 1:30) . John the Baptist was referring to Jesus’ pre-existence since John was born before Jesus was born. There are more than a few verse that reinforce that Jesus existed before His earthly birth (John 1:1, add more verses).

Third, The Second Person of the Godhead Jesus Christ has a ton more stuff that doesn’t fit in this one article. Here is another list of things you can learn about The Person of the Son of God:

  • He Possess Will
  • Came to Give Glory to the Father
  • Eternal
  • Creator of everything
  • We were created in His Image
  • Eternal Judge
  • Lamb of God
  • Shows love,Compassion
  • Corrects lovingly and harshly
  • Became Human, 100% human
  • Virgin born
  • Lived like a normal man
  • Died like a criminal
  • Falsely Accused
  • Healer
  • Savior
  • Miracle Worker
  • Conqueror of…
    • Evil
    • Death (the Grave)
    • Sin
    • His enemies
  • Betrayed by his friend
  • Denied by His followers
  • Raised Physically from the Dead
  • Raised Physically into Heaven, the first man in heaven!
  • Sits as both Man and God on the throne
  • 100% Man, 100% God
  • The Advocate for Us With the Father
  • The Second Adam
  • Learned Obedience
  • Is the Test
  • Will Return Again to…
    • Receive His own
    • Destroy His enemies
  • Prophet
  • Teacher
  • Lord
  • King
  • Talked about in the Old Testament
  • Appears in the Old Testament as…
    • A Type
    • An Angel
    • Captain of the Lord’s Armies
    • The Fourth Man in the fire (Daniel)

It is incredible how this One God would reveal Himself through this One Man, Jesus Christ. I agree with Romans 11:33, God is so amazing and awesome, who can figure Him out?!

There is still a whole lot more to learn about The Person of the Son of God, we continue Week One with Lesson Two… The Eternal Son—The Human Son.

About The Author

Jesse Velez

Although Jesse Velez will forever carry the essence of a Native New Yorker, he currently calls the sun-soaked city of Miami, Florida, his home. Celebrating a marriage of 31+ years to Eusebia, he proudly embraces his role as the father of five grown children. Jesse has cultivated a profound grasp of the Bible over the span of 40+ years, dedicated to following and serving Jesus while engaging in extensive reading and in-depth study of the scriptures.